Round Blue Tiger Eye and London Blue Topaz Pendant for Throat Chakra
Our pendants differ from necklaces in that they do not have a chain. For those who wish to expand their ChakraJewel collection or already have a chain, this is the perfect solution. All our necklaces are available as pendants.
The fifth chakra is located in the throat. It is activated by the color blue.
Stones: Blue Tiger Eye and London Blue Topaz
Size is approximately 7/8" across or 20mm
Blue Tiger Eye Coin and Lond Blue Topaz Pendant
Description: TIger eye or tiger's eye is a form of quartz with a reflective layer under the surface that looks like waves of silk threads. Depending on the light, this amazing stone offers fabulous displays of shimmering blue stripes that come and go. As a lapidary (cutter), it is imperative that the stone be oriented in the proper direction to catch this bit of magic called chatoyancy, otherwise, the stone appears dull and ordinary looking. When the stone is purely blue, without any yellow or green in it, it is called Hawk's Tiger Eye, and that is what we have used to create this throat chakra pendant. We have added a fine faceted London blue topaz for an accent.