Prehnite/Hematite Necklace for Heart Chakra
The fourth chakra is affiliated with the colors green and pink.
Stone: Prehnite and Hematite
Size: approximately 22mm x 30mm
Prehnite and Hematite Necklace
Description: Prehnite is named for the Dutch baron, army colonel and mineralogist Hendrik Von Prehn, who discovered the stone in Cape Providence, South Africa. He proudly brought samples of the stone back to Holland in 1774 and after his death in 1788, the delicate green gem was officially named Prehnite, after Colonel Prehn. The reason I mention this is because prehnite was the first mineral ever to be named after a person. The color of this semi-transparent stone has been described as granny smith apple green, and is characterized by needle like inclusions of black or dark brown.
Heart Chakra Information for Prehnite and Hematite Necklace
The fourth or heart chakra is located in the heart, chest and shoulders. It is called the heart chakra because it is the place where we feel joy and a universal love for all of life. It is a place of healing and hope. Love, compassion and kindness are positive feelings we hold in the heart chakra. Negative emotions such as despair, depression, cruelty and loneliness are felt in this area as well. Common phrases that describe the sensations of the heart chakra would include: "My heart was overflowing with happiness", "He/she broke my heart", "I love you with all my heart" or "How can you be so heartless?". Depression is often described as having a heavy heart, or carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. More than any other chakra, the state of our heart chakra determines how happy we feel.