Real People
Our models are our customers. We are hoping to create collages of people wearing their Chakra Jewels because it's fun to model something that you love and it's especially fun for us to see people wearing the jewels we so lovingly make.
It's been said that you don't choose the stone, rather, it chooses you. I've noticed this many times, especially when we are selling at a show. It's very interesting to put out a bevy of jewels and watch them attract people from across the room. The stones literally draw people to them.
Like people, no two jewels could ever be exactly the same. If you have a Chakra Jewel that lights you up, we'd love to get a picture of you wearing it.
It's really easy. Just email your picture to us at :
We'll contact you before we use your photo, and you'll get 40% off the price of any one item on our Chakra Jewel website. (Sterling bracelets are excluded) Read the quick tips below to taking better shots with a cell phone.
1. Have the light (sun or window or light bulb) behind the photographer. If you are taking your own picture, the light source should be in front of you to light up your face.
2. Sunlight at high noon can be harsh. Instead, aim for early morning or late afternoon light, as that is when natural light is the prettiest. For indoor shots, you might try facing a window.
3. Focus on the person's face and the chakra jewel they are wearing. Take several shots to be sure you get a good one.
In a very fast and crazy world, balance begins within. Won't you join us?
P.S. We will provide a simple model release form. We will not publish your last name or personal information on our website/facebook page or anywhere else.