Chakra Jewels - Healing Stones for the Holidays
As we approach the winter solstice, the days grow shorter and the energy of life feels very different from the warm days of fall. The new year approaches, and everything seems to be speeding up. Suddenly we find ourselves trying to account for where the time has gone. Traditions make us remember the past, and we can be deluged with feelings from a different time in our lives. It is often bittersweet, as we recall moments from our childhood, the passing of our elders, the joy of watching our children grow and having children of their own. There is no question that while the holidays are filled with fun and bright lights that bring warmth and cheer, they are also the most challenging times for many of us.
Chakra jewels are powerful aids in getting in touch with your feelings. They help you focus your thoughts as you seek a balance between the past and the present. If you have been wearing a chakra stone, now is a good time to consider a change. I invite you to go through our stones and see what attracts you at this time. It may be very different from what you might have picked a year ago. Be open as you look at the images of the gems. You will find that some of them may make you feel excited, while others quietly draw you into them. Trust your intuition and you will find the stone that is right for you.
I hope you make lots of happy holiday memories this year. Keep in mind that balance in the world begins within.